Understanding The Basics Of Commercial Real Estate Law

Reviewing commercial real estate contract

As a homeowner, you might not think commercial real estate law matters to you. But if you’re thinking about running a short-term or vacation property rental, or investing in commercial property, understanding these laws is essential. This guide will help you grasp the basics of commercial real estate law and the critical aspects homeowners must comprehend. Whether you are leasing or renting property to a tenant, either for a short-term or long-term duration, being informed about your responsibilities is key to keeping yourself out of hot water legally. 

What is Commercial Real Estate Law? 

Commercial real estate law involves the legal guidelines for buying, selling, renting, and handling commercial properties. Commercial properties include buildings, land, and real estate used for businesses — even if that business is something as simple as an AirBnB side hustle. This area of law deals with various issues such as zoning, contracts, leases, and environmental protections.

In Canada, commercial real estate is typically categorized into four main types: Retail, Hotel, Industrial, and Office. These categories encompass various properties such as retail stores, factories, warehouses, workshops, garages, farms, certain hotels, and other temporary or rented accommodations, as well as most leisure facilities. 

What Does Commercial Real Estate Law Include?

Understanding that the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) sector is heavily regulated by the government is crucial. Numerous laws govern the purchase of such properties, requiring buyers to grasp the specific rules and regulations applicable to their intended CRE purchase. Often, property usage may be restricted in some manner so knowing what you are and are not allowed to do is imperative.

Outlined below are the primary groups of laws that may pertain to the CRE you’re considering purchasing. While many of these laws may apply to some properties, others may only be relevant to a few:

  • Landlord-Tenant Laws
  • Disclosure Laws
  • Zoning Laws
  • Insurance Laws
  • Anti-Discrimination Laws
  • Local Laws and Ordinances

This list is quite extensive though it seems short, and additional rules and regulations may also come into play. This is why you need to have a commercial real estate lawyer on your side when making any big decisions or signing any documents. Given the potential complexity of these matters, seeking legal counsel before proceeding with a commercial real estate purchase is especially important.

Zoning and Land Use For Commercial Real Estate

Zoning laws in Ontario exhibit notable differences between commercial and residential properties. Commercial properties often face stricter regulations concerning land use, environmental impact, and compliance with municipal plans. In contrast, residential zoning laws tend to be more straightforward, primarily focusing on maintaining safe and habitable living conditions. Since zoning laws differ between municipalities, collaborating with a commercial real estate lawyer who is familiar with local regulations is vital.

Residential Vs Commercial Real Estate Contracts 

Commercial real estate contracts typically exhibit greater complexity compared to residential real estate contracts. Negotiations in commercial transactions entail specific terms tailored to the involved business entities. These contracts often undergo customization to address the unique requirements of each party. In contrast, residential real estate contracts are generally more standardized, with numerous terms regulated by law. Consulting a commercial real estate lawyer is essential for drafting contracts that protect your rights and interests or reviewing any provided to you, like when signing a lease to open a new storefront for your business.

Leasing Agreements For Commercial Property

If you intend to rent out a commercial property, a solid lease agreement is essential. Commercial lease agreements are more intricate and less regulated than those for renting residential properties, allowing for extensive negotiation and customization. These agreements often include specifics such as lease duration, rent escalation clauses, property use restrictions, maintenance responsibilities, and renewal options.  Crafting commercial leases demands a thorough grasp of business requirements and legal implications, necessitating lawyers who specialize in commercial real estate to negotiate them effectively.

Environmental Regulations In Commercial Properties

Owners of commercial properties must adhere to various environmental regulations, encompassing hazardous waste disposal, air, and water quality standards. Collaborating with a commercial real estate lawyer familiar with local environmental regulations is crucial to guarantee compliance.

Construction Laws When Building a Commercial Property

If you are planning to build your commercial property, it is also important to consider construction laws. These pose greater complexity than residential real estate, given the diverse nature of commercial properties such as office buildings and industrial complexes. These laws ensure not only basic safety and zoning compliance but also encompass more intricate aspects like commercial building codes. Commercial construction projects are typically more demanding due to their larger scale and public visibility.

Both the commercial and residential sectors require obtaining various permits and approvals from provincial and municipal authorities. However, commercial projects often undergo more rigorous processes due to their scale, complexity, and potential community impact. Both sectors must adhere to building codes, environmental regulations, and local zoning laws. Failure to comply can result in legal consequences and increased project costs so consulting a commercial real estate lawyer before putting any plans into place will help you avoid delays and added costs.

Working with a Local Commercial Real Estate Lawyer Is a Must

Partnering with a commercial real estate lawyer is imperative when navigating the intricate legal terrain of commercial real estate. When selecting a commercial real estate lawyer, prioritize expertise in this field and familiarity with local regulations specific to your commercial transaction. Check their online reviews to gauge communication and responsiveness, and evaluate their fee structures to ensure they align with your budget.

At Hukam Law, we are experts in the laws, bylaws, zoning, and land use regulations in Simcoe County, Brampton, and the surrounding areas. We are also familiar with all of the legal issues involved in commercial real estate law, including zoning and land use, contracts, leasing, and environmental regulations. If you have questions, we’ve got answers.. 

If you’re a home owner who’s about to engage in a commercial real estate venture, like running a short-term rental or buying a commercial property, or you’re looking to secure a new commercial property space for your business, give us a call 📞 at 705-915-0884, or send us an email at info@hukamlaw.ca. We’ll make sure that you have a full understanding of commercial real estate law, what your property does or doesn’t allow, and we’ll give you the experienced local representation you need.

***The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. If you have legal questions, we strongly advise you to contact us.